Welcome to AboutPaula and her views. Well, today I got something through the post. It was the new expansion for the Sims 2 game, FreeTime. Now, I will tell you that I am a big fan of the Sims games but I can't really narrow it down to just one reason so I will give a few!
- You get to control somebody's life without them complaining to much!
- You get job postings in the paper everyday so you can find something to bring in the pay and you are hired immediately and that is without having an interview.
- You can make friends easily enough and you get a welcome wagon come along to greet you when you first move in.
- Depending on what expansions you have, you can get pets, go shopping, skating, bowling, own a car, go to university without much trouble.
- You get skill points just by painting some really rubbish painting or doing some exercise from some video or even by making cereal.
- When you leave uni or home, you automatically are given 20,000 Simoleons to buy a house.
- Houses are really cheap when you move and if you want to expand, no need for planning permission and the Sim god does it all for you. It might be crap but even so, you have more room!
That is just the start of it. Once you get sucked in, you can make legacy's and build perfect houses. Really, you can make of it what you will. It does take a lot of time to get things going but once it does, you really can enjoy it.
The new expansion is about hobbies. You can get your sims really focussed on something like dancing or painting and so every time they do something related to that, you get points and enthusiasm. This can then be used for getting a new aspiration or something related to life experience. You also get invited to secret places that are related to your hobby where you can go and talk to other people who like the same things. Another easy way of making friends which is always helpful. Making friends on here can be easy if you have one sim but once you make a family, it can be difficult maintaining the friendships. Just one thing to look out for!
Anyway, the point of this post is not really to advertise the new expansion as such, it is to ask one question. If you had the option to add to your life, would you do it? It could be a range of things, maybe if you purchased the expansion, you would have the opportunity to forever open business's no matter how badly they fail or maybe you could go to university, for free if you had enough scholarships! You could even get into your hobbies and make a bit of cash for them.
Of course, someone might point out that really, you can do that anyway. What's stopping you from going out there, making your go carts or whatever you might do, and sell them on. Well there isn't anything. Maybe you should do it. It could be fun!
Anyway, here's another question, if you could expand your life by one small payment (say about 40-50 (enter your currency here)), what would it be? Answers in the comments very welcome!
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