Sunday, 2 March 2008

Did you pop the question on February 29th?

Welcome to AboutPaula and her views. Well, the other day was that grand oleextra day that we get on a leap year. Yes, February 29th. We get this day because of how the years actually add up. Each year actually has a quarter of a day on the end that we don't see until they add up to that extra day. Now, after that quick explanation, down to the real question. Did you ladies out there pop the question to you significant other?

I read somewhere the other day about how this tradition got started. It had something to do with Saint Patrick and how the women thought it was unfair they had to wait to be asked for there hand in marriage. So, to fix it, Saint Patrick decided to give them the extra day every four years to ask for marriage themselves.

Well, at least that is how I read it. I may be wrong and obviously, if you spot anything wrong, please tell me!

Now, I personally would never ask anybody such a serious question as I would be too scared to be turned down. I know that sounds silly and sure, if you really know that the person you are with would do nothing but say yes, then I bet you would jump at the chance to ask them but I am not that sure of myself. I would really prefer to be the one who is surprised and asked rather than having to go through the doubt of them saying no. I get kind of nervous about exams and things that you need to wait for so waiting for an answer would just turn my stomach.

I am very sure that there are women out there who have been rejected and have lived with it but I just think that it is such a big decision and that you really need to know that your other half will be with you for the rest of your life. Of course, people do get divorced because what they thought was happy, really wasn't at all and having know now what they do, can see that maybe they should have left it a little bit longer. Some even say that they wouldn't have done it at all even though they may have enjoyed some of it to begin with.

Anyway, my point is that if you did pop the question, no matter what the answer, congratulations for being able to get up the courage to do so and unlike myself, put yourself on the front-line. If it was a happy ending then I hope you have many wonderful years together and if not, then do not be discouraged and maybe you were lucky, you may not have met your prince charming yet but I am sure you will.


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